Thursday, September 9, 2010

the Garage Sale

Really a whole house sale. What isn't bolted down has been listed on Craig's List is going. Shane told me yesterday that it feels like a cleanse. It is refreshing in someway to purge our earthly treasures.
I am keeping my eye on the prize, the children and specifically the young entrepreneurs. Those who want to work. This little boy is carrying his water and box for shoe shinning. He was one of my favorites. For about 40 cents he will clean your shoes like no one has ever cleaned them before. I just like him! Maybe he could be a future business partner?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ethiopian Mansion

Well, it is official. We have moved into our Tualatin "Ethiopian Mansion" as Harrison calls it. Moving into an apartment by choice, is an interesting adventure. We already see that we are being taught about our own social prejudices about apartment living and the people that live there. We have been delighted by our new neighbors, although nothing could shadow the neighbors we have had in the past, as they will be our forever friends. Our new neighbors have brought us gifts, helped carry stuff, showed us the ropes around the community, and have been delightful. Most of them are 11 and under.
Shane isn't sleeping well yet as the toilet doesn't stop running, the dishwasher sounds like it is going to "take off", and hearing the neighbors using the bathroom in the middle of the night wakes him up but he is delighted by our choice. The long term implications are good. We have much to learn.